Tuesday, December 16, 2014

His promise

“The Lord is not slack concerning His promise . . . We, according to His promise, look for new heavens and a new earth, which righteousness dwells” (2 Peter 3:9, 13).  It is faith “the substance of things hoped for, the evidence of things not seen” (Hebrews 11:1) that propels us onward toward the promises of God.  It is the knowledge that His Word promises that if we stay in a right relationship with Him, not by being perfect, but by trusting Him, even when we fail, that He will indeed fulfill His Word.  As people of God, we have to trust Him in every circumstance, no matter how trying or difficult it may be. He will always make a way.  It may not be the way we would have chosen, but that is where faith in Him to make the decision for us, no matter the situation, turns us from victims to victors.  Sometimes life hits us like a two-ton tractor-trailer.  It may seem that we are about to be flattened by overwhelming devastation, but God always provides a way of escape.  Let’s face it, at some time in our lives we are all going to be up against harder situations than we have ever had to face.  We may even beg God to tell us why this is happening.  As hard as it may be to believe, that circumstance is designed specifically for you.  The Bible is full of men and women that were tested by God.  Research this, starting with Adam and Eve.  God tests His people.  He does not test you to make you fail, but rather so you will trust in His faithfulness.  He allows situations and circumstances in your life to strengthen you, so He can bring to fruition the promises He has made to you.  Take time to read Deuteronomy 8:16.  If you are in the midst of the biggest battle of your life, be of good cheer.  Whatever the situation: the loss of a loved one, impoverishment, physical disabilities, poor health, emotional problems, abuse, addictions, know that nothing can separate you from the promises of God.  Remember, you are not the first, nor will you be the last person to proclaim that the situation you are in seems too hard to bear.  The good news is that you are absolutely correct; it is too hard to bear, alone.  God’s promises are immutable and will never change.  He has promised that He will never leave nor forsake you and He never will.  As you take your eyes off of the circumstances that are encircling you and look to Him, He will make a way.

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