Saturday, November 30, 2013



“Don’t let anyone look down on you because…” 1 Ti 4:12 NIV


Try as you may, you will never fulfill a dream that is not your own. Stop and think about your personal history. How have your plans, goals and desires been influenced by others? Is it possible your dreams are the result of who your parents think you are? Who others think you are? Who you wish you were? Or are they the result of who you really are and what God created you to be? You will live the life for which God created you, only after you figure this out. When a dream is right for you and you are right for a dream, the two cannot be separated from each other. T.S. Eliot said, “Whatever you think, be sure it is what you think; whatever you want, be sure it is what you want.”
Paul told Timothy, “Don’t let anyone look down on you because you are young.” Evidently certain people in the early church thought Timothy was too young and inexperienced to be in leadership. But Paul thought differently; and so did God. Cecil G. Osborne writes, “The young child has no clear picture of himself. He sees himself only in the mirror of his parent’s evaluation of himself…A child who’s told repeatedly that he is a bad boy, or is lazy, or no good, or stupid, or shy, or clumsy will tend to act out the picture which the parent or some other authority figure has given him.” Let God, and God alone, tell you who you are and what you should do. Get His opinion, for in the end, it’s the only one that counts!

Taken from the Word for you Today devotional

Friday, November 29, 2013



“The Lord does not look at the things man looks at.” 1 Sa 16:7 NIV


David’s father didn’t think he was qualified to be Israel’s next king. So when Samuel came looking for a successor to King Saul, he presented his oldest son Eliab, who was a general in the army. Samuel was impressed. “Samuel saw Eliab and thought, ‘Surely the Lord’s anointed stands here…’ But the Lord said to Samuel, ‘Do not consider his appearance or his height, for I have rejected him. The Lord doesn’t not look at the things man loos at. Man looks on the outward appearance, but the Lord looks at the heart’” (vv. 6-7 NIV). When it comes to your life’s calling, only one opinion counts—God’s! In order to fulfill his destiny, David had to overcome his family’s opinion of him. One author writes, “Any time you see people pursuing a mid-life career change, you can almost be certain that they have been living someone else’s dream and they have lost their way.” Novel Prize winner for literature Joseph Brodsky observed, “One’s task consists first of all in mastering a life that is one’s own, not imposed or prescribed from without, no matter how noble its appearance may be, for each of us is issued but one life, and we know full well how it all ends. It would be regrettable to squander this one chance on someone else’s appearance someone else’s experience.” It’s not too late to become what God wants you to be, and do what He wants you to do. If you’ve been living somebody else’s dream, ask God for a dream of your own and He will give it to you.”

Taken from the Word for you Today devotional

Thursday, November 28, 2013



“Love never fails.” 1 Co 13:8 NIV


Forming a negative opinion based on appearance takes less than twenty seconds. As Thelma Wells says: “It’s easy to do when someone doesn’t look, sound, shake hands, or think like you. However, John says, ‘Anyone who does not love His brother…cannot love God’ (1 Jn 4:20 NIV). You cannot love God if you harbor bad feelings towards others. We’re more than flesh—we’re spiritual beings—and our God-given gifts, character, values, intellect, and passions are the foundation of who we are, not our height, weight mannerisms, hair color and age. When we realize God loves us even though He doesn’t like some of our attitudes and actions, it becomes to love others. When we realize our negative feelings towards others get in the way of our love for God, it becomes easier to love. And when we’re in communion with our Creator, asking Him to give us His eyes and heart…it becomes easier to love. Jesus said, ‘If you only love the lovable, do you expect a pat on the back? [Even] run-of-the-mill sinners do that’ (Lk 6:31 TM). It may never be easy to love certain people, but when you make the tough choice to love them anyway, the rewards are always worth it.” The Bible says, “Love never fails,” and when you refuse to love you miss out on God’s best. One bible teacher says: “Don’t miss out on any of it…God is love, and when you release love, you release God, and He becomes responsible for the outcome. Release love every moment into every situation, every prayer and every thought…It will strengthen…and cast out fear…it’s the one solution that always works.”

Taken from the Word for you Today devotional

Wednesday, November 27, 2013



“[God]…will not…leave you without support.” Heb 13:5 AMP


Collen Alden writes” “I’m single…The kind of companionship I ache for…I don’t have. This feeling drives me to seek God…Why am I single when I long to love and be loved?... Though it’s pointless to use our limited understanding to critique God’s plans, it’s helpful to catch glimpses of what He’s creating in me: Courage: to go home every night to someone who believes in me might make facing the scary parts of life easier…Singleness forces me to lean on God…to face an uncertain future without fear. Psalm 27:1 NIV says, ‘The Lord is the stronghold of my life—of who shall I be afraid?’ He’s my protector, provider and Savior whether I’ve a husband or not. Faith: Paul says, ‘Be satisfied with your present circumstances…God…will not… leave you without support.’ Do I believe that He knows best even when it hurts and I don’t understand? When we’ve tasted loneliness past what we think we can bear…cry out to Jesus. He’s close to the brokenhearted and saves those who are crushed in spirit’ (Ps 34:18 NIV). He knows what it is to long for something…He’s longed for the affection of His loved ones for centuries. Authenticity: Once in a while a man sparks my interest…Then a funny thing happens. The more interested I become, the more I become someone else…The old fears kick in. Am I pretty enough? Charming and talkative enough? God made me who I am, and years of being single have allowed me to learn who this woman is…I’d rather be single than to be with someone who wants me to be someone else.”

Taken from the Word for you Today devotional

Tuesday, November 26, 2013



“The Lord is the stronghold of my life—of whom shall I be afraid?” Ps 27:1 NIV


If you’ve ever packed up and moved to another house, you may remember saying, “This is the last time I am moving!” Now you know how Joshua felt moving almost two million people into a new homeland. And they did it on foot. So God told Joshua two things: (1) “Be strong and very courageous” (Jos 1:7 NKJV). Why? Because his enemies where going to attack him and his own people were going to make endless demands on him. Where do you find courage? In these words: “The Lord is the stronghold of my life—of whom shall I be afraid?” What word “stronghold” means you are held in the safety of God’s strong arms. That means nothing can get to you. Without first coming through Him. Victor Hugo wrote, “Have courage for the great sorrows of life, and patience for the small ones. And when you have laboriously accomplished your daily task, go to sleep in peace. God is awake.” (2) “I will never leave you nor forsake you” (Jos 1:5 NIV). Who but God could make and keep such a promise? Did He keep His Word to them? Yes! “So the Lord gave Israel the land He had sworn to give their forefathers, and they took possession of it and settled there. The Lord gave them rest on every side, just as he had sworn to their forefathers. Not the one of their enemies withstood them; the Lord handed all their enemies over to them. Not one of all the Lord’s good promises to the house of Israel failed; everyone was fulfilled” (Jos 21: 43-45 NIV). And their God—is your God!

Taken from the Word for you Today devotional

Monday, November 25, 2013



“I will give you every place where I set your foot, as I promised.” Jos 1:3 NIV


Can you imagine how Joshua felt stepping into Moses’ shoes? He needed assurance, so God told him: (1) “I will give you every place where you set your foot.” In other words, just step out in faith and claim it. It’s yours, if you’re willing to walk toward it an take possession. Would it be easy? Would they get there overnight? No, but their confidence came from the words, “as I promised.” The song goes: “Standing on the promises that cannot fail; when the howling winds of doubt and fear assail. Standing on the living word I shall prevail; standing on the promises of God.” (2) “No one will be able to stand up against you all the days of your life” (v. 5 NIV). Will you face critics? Yes. Will you come under attack? Yes. There were thirty-one kings, seven nations, and giants the size of telephone poles waiting for the Israelites in the Promised Land. But every battle you fight is just an opportunity for God to show Himself strong on your behalf. (3) “As I was with Moses, so I will be with you” (v. 5 NIV). If you’re anxious about the future, recall God’s faithfulness to you in the past. At the end of his life Joshua wrote: “Now I am about to go the way of all the earth. You know with all your heart and soul that not one of the good promises the Lord your God gave you has failed. Every promise has been fulfilled” (Jos 23:14 NIV). And the God who came through for Joshua, will come through for you.

Taken from the Word for you Today devotional

Sunday, November 24, 2013



“Get ready to cross the Jordan River into the land I am about to give.” Jos 1:2 NIV


God said to Joshua: “Moses my servant is dead. Now then…get ready to cross the Jordan River into the land I am about to give [you]…I will give you every place where you set your foot, as I promised Moses. Your territory will extend from the desert to the Lebanon, and from the great river, the Euphrates…to the Great Sea on the west. No one will be able to stand up against you all the days of your life. As I was with Moses, so I will be with you; I will never leave you nor forsake you. Be strong and courageous, because you will lead these people to inherit the land I swore to their forefathers to give them” (vv. 2-6 NIV). Are you standing today at the crossroads of change, contemplating a new season or assignment, and feeling anxious about it? If so, observe two things in this story: (1) When his time came to lead, Joshua was ready. Until then, he faithfully served Moses and found fulfillment in the number-two slot. He didn’t push and he didn’t play politics; he just prepared himself. And when he was ready, God promoted him. (2) He went further than his mentor did.  Moses’ leadership ended where the Promised Land began. Under Joshua’s leadership, Israel would move into it and become a great nation. Every day he had spent in the wilderness equipped him for this moment. God never wastes experience. Everything you’ve been through, including the things you didn’t understand, are preparation for what God has in store for you.

Taken from the Word for you Today devotional

Saturday, November 23, 2013



“Encourage and help each other.” 1 Th 5:11 CEV


Micca Monda Campbell writes: “Have you ever secretly compared your spouse to another man or woman…or wished they were more thoughtful…more spiritual…a better dresser? If you have, let me reassure you the grass isn’t greener on the other side. That man doesn’t clip his toenails either…and that woman doesn’t rub her husband’s feet while feeding him grapes! Our spouses are the people we fell in love with, and often they just need a little encouragement. Instead of comparing and complaining…nurture your mate in the areas they need it most…I heard about a good-looking millionaire who married a plain-looking woman. It was the talk of the town. ‘Why did her marry her? She’s not up to his standard. It won’t last! ‘When they came back from an extended honeymoon it looked like the millionaire was with another woman…one glowing with confidence and poise. ‘Now that’s the kind of wife he deserves,’ declared the town loud-mouth. Then he noticed something interesting: It was the same woman—completely transformed! Her new husband had taken her away, encouraged her…and built up her self-confidence until she started to see in herself what he’d always seen. Son instead of walking around on your neighbor’s grass, fertilize your own by looking for the good in your spouse. Speak encouraging words…acknowledge their efforts to improve…become their cheerleader. The Bible says, ‘Love…protects…trusts…hopes…perseveres’ (1 Co 13:4&7 NIV). Instead of making comparisons, ask God to help you see your mate like you once did.’”

Taken from the Word for you Today devotional

Friday, November 22, 2013



“Be clear minded and self-controlled.” 1 Pe 4:7 NIV


Going from childhood to adulthood is a transition that requires a lot of wisdom and love. Your teen will feel and behave child-like sometimes, and adult-like other times. Your job is to realize that whatever their status, they will become a man (woman) and they will remain an adult! Navigating through their child-adult struggles elevates your teen’s stress levels, sometimes making them feel out of control. To help them become a mature adult: (1) Be rational, not reactive.  Your role requires you to be “clear minded and self-controlled.” Be the grownup; you cannot help your child to become an adult if you’re not one. (2) Be their parent, not their buddy.  They need someone “in charge” to shepherd them toward maturity. If you abdicate your role because you’re afraid of your child’s anger, rejection or unhappiness, you abandon them to their own confused ways. You are the calm God put in their storm—the lighthouse to guide them. In the short term, the may consider your values, rules, lifestyle and morals outdates. Expect no less; that’s par for the course in parenting. Hold this line! Forget becoming “cool” by lowering your standards; that’s a no-win alternative to good parenting. They’ll challenge you if you’re not cool and they’ll challenge you if you are. (Nothing is as “uncool” to a teen as a parent trying to be “cool”!) Be yourself, maintain biblical standards; they need you to have character. Yes, they’ll fight you now, but if you remain resolute, loving, and consistent, they’ll follow in your footsteps.

Taken from the Word for you Today devotional

Thursday, November 21, 2013



“When I was a child…When I became a man.” 1 Co 13:11 NIV


Do you sometimes wonder if your teenager is ever going to reach maturity? Welcome to the toughest phase of parenting! A teenager can go from optimism to pessimism, excitement to boredom, self-confidence to self-doubt, happiness to despair, sociability to reclusiveness, tranquility to volatility, cooperation to opposition—in a head-spinning second! And when you ask them, “What’s wrong?” they say, “Nothing,” or, “I don’t know.” And the truth is, they don’t! Bombarded by changing biochemistry, your child is navigating between the worlds of childhood and adulthood, needing your understanding and patience. For them the odyssey of adolescence can feel freakish, embarrassing and perplexing. Children know the roles and rules of their world, adults know theirs. Children are expected to act like children, and adults like adults. But teenagers have traits of both worlds, yet belong in neither. When they’re in child-mode, they’re forbidden to be childish. “Will you ever grow up?” We ask. When they’re in adult-mode, they’re denied adult privileges. “Of course you can’t…You’re just a kid! “ The worlds of adults and children are relatively distinct, stable, predictable places. But it’s not so in the fuzzy realm of your teen. They alternate between two worlds, never certain whether they’re fish or fowl, adult or child. So they gravitate toward peers who share but also don’t understand their experiences. What do they need? Parents who understand and assure them, “When I was a child, I spoke…understood…thought as a child, like you do. But when I became a man [or woman] I outgrew the confusion, and you will too.”

Taken from the Word for you Today devotional

Wednesday, November 20, 2013



“Two people are better off than one…If one…falls, the other can reach out and help.” Ecc 4:9-10 NLT


Amy Simpson says: “When our children were four and six, I discovered I was…pregnant. Two weeks later, I miscarried, sending us on an emotional rollercoaster…While I recuperated, my husband held up wonderfully, but as soon as I was physically well, the loss hit him…He was withdrawn…didn’t want to visit his family…he just wanted to be home, [whereas]…I wanted to forget…move on…be around people. When a couple faces something that affects them differently, how do you make it work? (1) Tell your spouse what you need. Sometimes emotions are so overwhelming you don’t know what you need. Do you need space? Do you want to talk? Do you want to be around people or be alone? Listen to your mate’s feelings. You may both have different needs. (2) Deal with the core issue. My husband didn’t want to visit his family…and we talked and discovered the real issue was he didn’t think they would be very supportive—plus he didn’t have the energy for a seven-hundred-mile road trip! (3) Be willing to compromise. I wanted to do something fun even if it wasn’t with his family. We were able to meet both our needs by getting together with family members closer to home. (4) Get help. Sometimes there’s no way to compromise. One spouse wants to talk and the other can’t bear to bring it up. Find a counselor, or a Christian friend who can temporarily fill the gap. Having others pray with and for you makes a huge difference. But protect the intimacy in your marriage, and don’t let anything or anyone come between you and your spouse.”

Taken from the Word for you Today devotional

Tuesday, November 19, 2013



“The Lord…gives you the ability to produce wealth.” Dt 8:18 NIV


God holds back “no good from those do what is right” (Ps 84:11 NLT). But it’s important to acknowledge Him as the source of all your blessings. And on this one, we all fall short! Let’s face it, more isn’t always better. In fact, your dependence on God lessens as your dependence on things increases. That’s why Levitical Law discouraged empire-building. IN the Old Testament, loans to the poor were to be interest-free (See Ex 22:25); outstanding debts canceled every seven years (See Dt 15:1-2); slaves freed and given the means to start over (See Dt 15:12-14); foreclosed land redeemed by family (See Lev 25:25); and property that was sold, or lost and not redeemed, returned to its original owner (See Lev 25: 14-17). Why? Because God wanted His people to depend on Him, not possessions. So He cautioned them, “When…all you have is multiplied…You may say…’My power and…strength…have produced this’…remember the Lord…gives you the ability to produce wealth” (Dt 8:13-18 NIV). God’s principles haven’t changed. Andy Stanley points out that a list of do’s and don’ts is like having a man giving you directions. If he hands you a map, you focus on it, but when you’re following the man, you focus on him. The Bible doesn’t say that God is a rewarder of those seeking “things.” No—it says, “He is a rewarder of those who diligently seek Him” (Heb 11:6 NKJV). Bottom line: if you’re depending on anything but God, you’ll always struggle. “Don’t worry about these things…your heavenly Father already knows…and will give you everything you need” (Mt 6:31-33 NLT).

Taken from the Word for you Today devotional

Monday, November 18, 2013



“Jesus knew what they were thinking [in their hearts].” Lk 11:17 GNT


For a spiritual checkup to be effective you must examine the following three areas: (1) Forgiveness.  “Make allowance for each other’s faults, and forgive anyone who offends you. Remember, the Lord forgave you, so you must forgive others. Above all, clothe yourselves with love, which binds us all together in perfect harmony. And let the peace that comes from Christ rule in your hearts. For as members of the body you are called to live in peace.” (Col 3:13-15 NLT). Are you quick to forgive those who have hurt you? Do you try to resolve conflicts as soon as possible? Are you harboring resentment? (2) Soul winning. “Go therefore and make disciples of all nations…teaching them to observe all things that I have commanded you” (Mt 28:19-20 NKJV). Do you have a concern for lost souls? Do you seize every opportunity to share your faith? Does your life show what your lips say? (3) Prayer. “see the Lord and His strength; seek His face evermore!” (1 Ch 16:11 NKJV). Do you have a consistent prayer life? Do you pray faithfully for the needs of others? Have you learned to pray in faith, standing on God’s word and believing Him for great things? Do you see the results of your prayer life? Has your prayer life lead you to a deeper intimacy with the Lord? If you are serious about in-depth change, growth in your spiritual walk, and developing a Christ like character, spend time with the Lord today and say, “Search me, O God, and know my heart; try me, and know my [thoughts]…lead me in the way everlasting” (Ps 139:23-24 NKJV).

Taken from the Word for you Today devotional

Sunday, November 17, 2013



“He who searches our hearts knows the mind of the Spirit.” Ro 8:27 NIV


Doing a spiritual checkup means examining things like: (1) Priorities. “Seek first the kingdom of God…and all these things shall be added to you” (Mt 6:33 NKJV). Do you submit your schedule to God for His approval? Does your checkbook show that He is first in your financial decisions? (2) Values. “You died to this life, and your real life is hidden with Christ in God…Since God chose you to be the holy people he loves, you must clothe yourselves with tenderhearted mercy, kindness, humility, gentleness, and patience” (Col 3:3 and 12 NLT). Do you love what God loves and hate what God hates? Do you value highly the things that please Him? Are your desires and goals governed by God’s Word? (3) Sacrifice. “I consider everything a loss compared to the surpassing greatness of knowing Christ Jesus my Lord, for whose sake I have lost all things. I consider them rubbish, that I may gain Christ…I want to know Christ and the power of his resurrection and the fellowship of sharing in his sufferings, becoming like him” (Php 3:8-18 NIV). Are you fully surrendered to God? Is there anything you value more than Him? If there is, pray: “Father, forgive me for taking back control of my life. I come before You surrendering, repenting and asking You to cleanse me. Renew me and fill me with Your Spirit. I renounce my selfish ways and make You Lord of my life. You said that You would rather I was hot or cold, but not lukewarm. Light a fire in me today that will burn so brightly, others will be drawn to You.”

Taken from the Word for you Today devotional

Saturday, November 16, 2013



“I the Lord search the heart.” Jer 17:10 NIV


How do you measure up when it comes to: (1)Obedience. “Obey those who rule over you, and be submissive, for they watch out for your souls, as those who must give account. Let them do so with joy and not with grief, for that would be unprofitable before you” (Heb 13:17 NKJV). Do you consistently obey the things you know God wants you to do? Do you submit to the guidance of those God’s placed over you? Do you pray for them and thank God for the deposits they make into your life? (2) A pure heart. “If we say we have no sin, we deceive ourselves, and the truth is not in us. If we confess our sins, He is faithful and just to forgive us our sins specifically and by name. Do you purpose to forsake your sin the moment God reveals it to you? What about your unsurrendered areas? Are you willing to give up all sin for God? (3) A clear conscience. “I…strive to have a conscience without offence toward God and men”(Ac 24:16 NKJV). Do you seek forgiveness from those you’ve offended? Is your conscience clear with God and man? (4) Confidence before God. “If our heart does not condemn us, we have confidence toward God. And whatever we ask we receive from him because we keep His commandments and do those things that are pleasing in His sight” (1 Jn 3:21-22 NKJV). Have you moved beyond merely right or wrong.” And asked yourself, “How will this affect my confidence before God?”

Taken from the Word for you Today devotional

Friday, November 15, 2013



“The Lord searches every heart and understands every motive.” 1 Ch 28:9 NIV


The psalmist prayed, “Search me, O God, and know my heart; try me, and know my anxieties; and see if there is any wicked way in me, and lead me in the way everlasting” (Ps 139:23-24 NKJV). If you’re wise, you’ll visit your doctor and get regular physical checkups. You’ll also go to God for regular spiritual checkups. In what areas? (1) Your salvation. “If anyone is in Christ, he is a new creation; old thins have passed away; behold, all things become new” (2Co 5:17 NKJV). Was there ever a time in your life when you repented of your sing and placed your trust in Jesus to save you? Have you surrendered to Him and made Him Lord of your life? (2) Your devotional life. “I love your law! It is my meditation all the day” Ps 119:97 NKJV). “Your word is very pure; therefore Your servant loves it” (v.140 NKJV). Do you read and meditate on God’s Word each day? Are your personal devotions consistent and meaningful? Do you try to apply the principles of scripture to each circumstance you are in? (3) Your humility. God says: “I dwell in the high and holy place, with him who has a contrite and humble spirit, to revive the spirit of the humble, and to revive the heart of the contrite ones” (Isa 57:15 NKJV). Are you quick to recognize and agree with God when you have sinned? Are you quick to admit to others when you are wrong? Can you rejoice at others’ successes, even when yours goes unnoticed? Do you esteem others as better than yourself? (See Ro 12:10). Do you live with a sense of dependence upon God?

Taken from the Word for you Today devotional

Thursday, November 14, 2013



“My times are in your hand.” Ps 31:15 NKJV


The Psalmist writes, “I trust You, O Lord; I say, ‘You are my God.’ My times are in Your hand” (vv. 14-15 NKJV). As you walk with God, you’ll find that you spend more time waiting than you do receiving. And when you receive what you’re waiting for, then you’ll begin waiting for something else! So if you don’t learn to wait with joy, you’ll live in frustration. Paul writes, “Let us not be weary in well doing: for in due season, we shall reap, if we faint not” (Gal 6:9). “Due season” is when God knows the time is right, not when you think it is. God has set a time for accomplishing things in your life, so you might as well settle down and wait because that’s when it will happen, and not before. God knows what you need, when you need it, and how to get it to you. You ask, “And what am I supposed to do while I’m waiting?” Thrust Him! One Bible teacher writes: “God has taught me to keep living the life I now have while I’m waiting for the things that are in my heart to come to pass. We become so intent on trying to give birth to the next thing that we neither enjoy nor take of the things at hand. I had a vision from God ten years before I began to see it fulfilled. During those years I believe I missed a lot of joy by trying to give birth outside of God’s timing. Learn to enjoy where you are, while you are waiting to get to where you want to be.”

Taken from the Word for you Today devotional

Wednesday, November 13, 2013



“Daniel purposed in his heart.” Da 1:8


The Bible says, “Daniel purposed in his heart that he would not defile himself with…the king’s meat.” Daniel had settled the issue before the challenge arose. Joseph had also decided his values; therefore he was able to say no to Potiphar’s wife. The three Hebrew children already knew what they were going to do, fiery furnace or not: “Our God…is able to deliver us…and He will…But if not…we do not serve your gods” (Da 3:17-18 NKJV). What do you believe about God? If you think He might fail you, you’ll never totally commit yourself to Him. Commitment grows! You can’t make big commitments until you’ve first made the small ones. The first Hebrew children first said no to the king’s food; later they were able to say no to worshiping his idols. You don’t get that kind of faith suddenly. Most of us can look back over the years and identify a point in which our lives changed significantly. Because of a readiness within us, we made a choice that would affect us from that point forward. But before you can make a real commitment to anything you must overcome three problems: (1) The security problem. Insecure people fear taking risks. They have a “Plan B” incase God doesn’t come through for them; they depend on themselves rather than on Him. (2) The success problem. When you’ve had some success, you want to guard it. You want people to continue thinking well of you, so you start living defensively. (3) The satisfaction problem. The lukewarm Laodicean church said, “I am…increased with goods, and have need of nothing” (Rev 3:17). So ask yourself, “Am I complacent or committed?”

Taken from the Word for you Today devotional

Tuesday, November 12, 2013



“Seek his kingdom, and these things will be given to you as well.” Lk 12:31 NIV


At what point does need become greed? One author writes: “Rarely does a person wake up and say, “I’ve been living for an ego trip…I’m going to get rid of the big car and the fancy sailboat and go live in the slums…working with the poor. God deals with us individually. What may be okay for some, isn’t necessary for others…When Pastor Renny Scott began wrestling with this issue…he said, “I just couldn’t resolve the tension of living in a peaceful bedroom community while hell on earth was all around me in the form of hunger and poverty.’ He went to Africa with World Vision, which was the beginning of involvement with the needs of others. Next, he moved into the inner city…That was the second step. Then he took a church of fifty which met in a school cafeteria. When a deacon suggested they give the entire Sunday offering to missions, Scott swallowed hard—because his salary was included! Eventually he and his wife came to grips with their life style and did something I’ve challenged many to do…cap your lifestyle and say, ‘This much and no more’; and everything above that was given away…The little church grew into a body of 1,800 people who matched dollars for buildings with dollars for missions. Today they’ve taken on the challenge of helping homeless people find affordable housing. Scott said, ‘I had to pause and ask myself what I’d want to be doing if Christ returned today. And I found myself answering Matthew chapter 24 and 25…to take my talents and invest them [where the need was].’”

Taken from the Word for you Today devotional

Monday, November 11, 2013



“Life is not measured by how much you own.” Lk 12:15 NLT


What does “the good life” mean to you? Driving the fastest car? Owning the biggest house? Wearing the latest clothes and having the most prestigious job? God’s concept is very different. Jesus said, “Guard against…greed. Life is not measured by how much you own.” G.K. Chesterton said, “There are two ways to get enough. One is to accumulate more and more. The other is to desire less and less.” Aleksander Solzhenitsyn discovered this truth in a Soviet prison when his freedom, his friends, his home and his books were taken away. After months of solitude in Antartica, Admiral Richard Byrd wrote, “I’m learning…a man can live profoundly without masses of things.” What a great place to arrive at! Harold Sala writes, “People today are possessed by possessions as no other generation…The more complex life becomes, the more convinced we are that we need more to be happy. Having obtained what we think we need, we soon become unhappy because a model with more bells and whistles comes out… It takes far less than we think to discover happiness if [it] comes from within and we break the stranglehold things have on our lives.” So, how much is enough? Jesus told the rich young ruler who wrestled with that question, “Sell your possessions…give to the poor, and you will have treasure in heaven…Then come, follow me” (Mt 19:21 NIV). Not the answer he expected! Does that mean that God is opposed to you having money? No, He’s just against anything taking his place in your life! He knows that “Your heart will be where your treasure is” (Mt 6:21 NCV).

Taken from the Word for you Today devotional

Sunday, November 10, 2013



“The curse does not come without a cause.” Pr 26:2 BBE


Author Stormie Omartian grew up with a mother who told her she was worthless. She locked Stormie in a closet because she couldn’t “stand to see her daughter’s face!” Stormie writes: “I was raised by a mentally ill mother…and…her behavior left me with guilt, hopelessness, helplessness and deep emotional pain. By the time I was a young woman I was still locked in—only the boundaries were emotional not physical—a deep, ever-present pain which expresses itself though self-destruction and paralyzing fear. Years later [with help from a Christian counselor] I learned that unforgiveness as deeply rooted as mine…must be unraveled one layer at a time. One day I felt lead to pray, ‘Lord, give me a heart like yours for my mother.’ Immediately I had a vision of her as a beautiful, fun-loving, gifted woman with no resemblance to the person I knew…I was seeing her the way God made her to be, not the way she’d become. What an amazing revelation! In an instant I put together the pieces of her past—her mother’s tragic death…the suicide of her beloved uncle and foster father, her feelings of abandonment, guilt, bitterness and unforgiveness…Touching the heart of God brought such forgiveness that when she died…I had no bad feelings. In fact, the more I forgave her the more God brought to mind good memories…People are often the way they are because of how life shaped them, and only God knows their history. To enjoy everything God has for you, pray a prayer of release and let go of the past.” Only then can you move on.

Taken from the Word for you Today devotional

Saturday, November 9, 2013



The word of God which…effectively works in you.” 1Th 2:13 NKJV


Observe two things (1) God’s Word is inspired. Chuck Swindoll writes: ‘We’ve no problem with the Giver of truth…but wasn’t the truth corrupted when He relayed it through sinful men? This is the perfect moment to get acquainted with revelation, inspiration, and illumination. Revelation occurred when God gave His truth, inspiration when writers received and recorded it, and illumination when we understand and apply it. Your confidence in the Bible is directly related to your confidence in its inspiration. How can we be sure it’s error-free and trustworthy? Paul provides help answering this question: ‘All Scripture is inspired by God…for teaching…showing people what is wrong with their lives…correcting faults, and for teaching how to live right’ (2 Ti 3:16 NCV). When God revealed His truth to human writers He ‘breathed out’ His Word. When we dictate a letter we ‘breathe out a message’ and someone else types it. So did the writers simply take dictation? If you know much about the Bible, you realize…Peter doesn’t sound like John. John doesn’t sound like David. Somehow each writer’s personality was preserved without corrupting the text… That rules out the idea of dictation. Peter says, ‘No…Scripture ever came from the prophet’s own understanding, or…human initiative… [They] were moved by the Holy Spirit, and…spoke from God’ (2 Pe 1:20-21 NLT). That answers that question! (2) It’ll hold you up. When you go through chaotic experiences God’s Word gives you stability. No other counsel will get you through the long haul. No other truth will help you stand firm in storms of doubt and uncertainty. No other reality will give you the strength you need each day.”

Taken from the Word for you Today devotional

Friday, November 8, 2013



“Your Word is truth.” Jn 17:17 NIV


When your “back is against the wall,” where can you turn to find strength? Awash in a sea of moral and ethical questions, where can you go to find a reliable compass? One author says: “There can be no more reliable authority than God’s Word. This timeless, trustworthy source holds the key that unlocks life’s mysteries. It alone provides us with the shelter we need in times of storm. Why does [it] qualify as our final authority? (1) God’s Word is Truth. Jesus said as He prayed to the Father, ‘Your word is truth.’ Real truth you can rely on…that’ll never shrivel up…turn sour…backfire or mislead…That’s what the Bible’s about… [It] provides us with the constant and the needed support. (2) God’s Book is God’s voice. Paul writes, ‘you received the Word of God…not as the word of men, but as…the word of God, which…effectively works on you who believe’ (1Th 2:13 NKJV). Think of it this way…If the Lord were to return to earth and speak…His message would tie in exactly with what you see in Scripture—His opinion, counsel, commands, desires, and warnings. When you rely on God’s voice you have a sure foundation…truth that can be trusted…power that imparts new life and releases grace by which you can grow in faith and commitment. (3) God’s word endures. There are only two eternal things on earth today…people and God’s Word. Everything else will be ultimately burned up…stuff we place on the shelf, things we put frames around, trophies and whatnots we shine and love to show off…all headed for the final bonfire (See 2 Pe 3:7, 10-12)…God’s Book ‘stands forever’ (1Pe 1:25 NIV).”

Taken from the Word for you Today devotional

Thursday, November 7, 2013



“Problems and trials…are good for us.” Ro 5:3 NLT TLB


We all want “the crown of life” the Lord promised (Jas 1:12 NKJV)—but we don’t want the “problems and trials” that develop “strength of character in us” (Ro 5:4 NLT). But it can’t be done. Here’s what you learn in tough times: (1) Enjoyment. “Count it all joy when you fall into…trials” (Jas 1:2 NKJV). It’s when you pass God’s test that He fills you with His joy. So pull of some of the groans out of your prayers and throw in a few hallelujahs. Remember, pain is inevitable—misery is optional! (2) Enlargement. The Psalmist wrote, “Thou hast enlarged me when I was in distress” (Ps 4:1). Most of the things we know best, we learned the hard way. Our greatest progress comes from our greatest pain; hence God doesn’t save us from it but strengthens us in it. (3) Enlightenment. The Bible says, “Unto the upright there arises light in the darkness” (Ps 112:4 NKJV). We don’t realize how little we know until we walk through life’s dark places and God turns on the light. (4) Endurance. James writes, “See how the farmer waits for the land to yield its valuable crop and how patient he is for the autumn and spring rains. You too, be patient and stand firm” (Jas 5:7-8 NIV). You can’t shorten the seasons or hurry the harvest, so be patient. And pay attention. While you’re waiting, God is working. Bruce Wilkinson says, “Tests of faith are trials and hardships that invite you to surrender something of great value to God, even when you have every right not to.”

Taken from the Word for you Today devotional

Wednesday, November 6, 2013



“The Lord…said to me, ‘Now, I have put my words in your mouth.’” Jer 1:9 NIV


The people God calls usually start out feeling ill-equipped and insecure. Indeed, if you jumped up and said, “No problem, Lord, I can handle that, “He wouldn’t call you at all. You say, “But I’ve made so many mistakes.” Everybody falls; the winners are just the ones who get back up again. “The Lord delights in a man’s way, he makes his steps firm; though he stumble, he will not fall, for the Lord upholds him with his hand” (Ps 37:23-24 NIV). When Jeremiah told God that he had neither the competence nor confidence needed to do the job, God said to him what He says to us: (1) You are not going in your own authority. “You must go to everyone I send you to” (Jer 1:7 NIV). Who’s sending you, sponsoring you, and sustaining you? God! What more do you need? (2) The message is not yours. “You must…say whatever I command you” (v. 12 NIV). (3) When God touches you, you’re qualified. “Then the Lord reached out his hand and touched my mouth and said to me, ‘Now, I have put my words in your mouth’” (v. 9 NIV). Be yourself; you can’t be anybody else! You’re not who others say you are; you’re who God says you are! So you can do what God says you can do. Just get in agreement with Him.

Taken from the Word for you Today devotional

Tuesday, November 5, 2013



“Get yourself ready! Stand up and say to them whatever I command you.” Jer 1:17 NIV


Are you embarrassed about your beginnings? Jeremiah was. He begins his book by listing the good people and the bad people in his background. Well, guess what? We all came from a less-than-perfect gene pool! We’re all a mixed bag. So what should you do? Learn from those who did it the wrong way, and follow those who did it the right way. Discover the purpose God put you on earth for, and fulfill it. Keep the torch burning brightly, then hand it off to the next runner. Endeavor to finish strong and hear your “Well done, good and faithful servant.” And watch what you say! The words you speak not only influence others, they influence you too. When Jeremiah told God that he wasn’t the right age, God said, “Don’t say that!” When he complained that he was not a gifted speaker, God said, “Don’t say that either!” When he saw the size of the opposition his knees buckled, but God said, “’Get yourself ready! Stand up and say to them whatever I command you. Do not be terrified by them, of I will terrify you before them. Today I have made you a fortified city, and iron pillar and a bronze wall to stand against the whole land—against the kings of Judah, its officials, its priests and the people of the land. They will fight against you but will not overcome you, for I am with you and will rescue you,’ declares the Lord” (vv. 17-19 NIV). And God didn’t promise just to be with Jeremiah, He’s promised to be with you.

Taken from the Word for you Today devotional

Monday, November 4, 2013



“Do not be afraid of their faces, for I am with you.” Jer 1:8 NKJV


Jeremiah writes: “Then the word of the Lord came to me, saying: ‘Before I formed you in the womb I knew you; before you were born I sanctified you [set you apart]; I ordained you a prophet to the nations.’ Then said I: ‘Ah, Lord God! Behold, I cannot speak, for I am a youth.’ But the Lord said to me: ‘Do not say, “I am a youth,” for you shall go to all to whom I send you, and whatever I command you, you shall speak. Do not be afraid of their faces, for I am with you to deliver you,’ says the Lord. Then the Lord put forth His hand and touched my mouth, and …said: ‘Behold, I have put My words in your mouth. See, I have this day set you over the nations and over the kingdoms, to root out and to pull down, to destroy and to throw down, to build and to plant…I am ready to perform My word’” (vv. 4-12 NKJV). Does the job you’ve been called to do seem too big for you? On your own, it is, but not when you include God! You’re not working alone, God is with you. Whether it’s to pull down or build up, the One who called you will equip you, empower you, and give you success. He didn’t make a mistake when He picked you. You say, “If only I had the education, talent and experience of so-and-so.” If God wanted them, He’d have chosen them, but He chose you. Just be yourself, trust God, and everything will go well for you.

Taken from the Word for you Today devotional

Sunday, November 3, 2013



“I will make you fishers of men.” Mt 4:19 NKJV


We read, “Jesus…saw…Simon…and Andrew…casting a net into the sea; for they were fishermen. Then He said to them, “Follow Me, and I will make you fishers of men!’” (vv. 18-19 NKJV). To follow Christ you must learn how to fish for men and women, and then do it! Max Lucado grew up fishing. He said: “We set out…dreaming of…sun. But…next morning the sky was gray, the lake a mountain of white-topped waves…there was no way we could fish…Next day…it was ice! We tried to be cheerful…but I began to notice…Mark had a few personality flaws…Dad was touchy…Nothing like being cooped up with someone to see his real nature! When we awoke the next morning to sleet…we were flat-out grumpy…Mark became even more of a jerk…Dad couldn’t do anything right, and when he announced we were going home, nobody objected…When energy intended for outside is used inside…instead of casting nets, we cast stones. Instead of helping hands we point accusing fingers. Instead of being fishers of the lost, we become critics of the saved. Rather than helping the hurting, we hurt the helpers. The result? Split churches. Poor testimonies. Broken hearts. Legalistic wars. But when those who are called to fish, fish-they flourish…Nothing unites soldiers like a common task. Leave them inside and they’ll invent things to complain about. The bunks will be too hard, food too cold, leadership too tough. Place those same soldiers in the trench and let them duck a few bullets, and a boring barracks will seem like a haven…The next time outside challenges tempt you to stay inside…get out! When those who are called to fish don’t fish, they fight!”

Taken from the Word for you Today devotional

Saturday, November 2, 2013



“It is sin to know what you ought to do and then not do it.” Jas 4:17 NLT


Brian Tracy says: “There are so many good things you can do, that your ability to decide may be the critical determinant of what you accomplish. If you’re like most people, you’re overwhelmed with too much to do and too little time. Mark Twain once joked that if first thing every morning you eat a frog, you’ll go through the rest of the day knowing that’s the worst that can happen! You ‘frog’ is the most important task…the one you’re likely to procrastinate on…the one that can have the greatest positive impact…Treat is as a personal challenge…resist the temptation to start with the easiest task. If you ‘eat’ it first, it’ll give you energy and momentum to rest. Success is determined by the habits you develop. Setting priorities, overcoming procrastination, and getting on with the most important task is a mental and physical skill learnable through practice and repetition until it becomes a permanent part of your behavior. Once it becomes a habit, it’s automatic and easy to do. When you complete a task of any size or importance, you get a surge of energy. It triggers the release of endorphins that give you a natural ‘high.’ The ‘rush’ that follows makes you feel more positive, personable, creative and confident.” What you put off until tomorrow, you’ll put off again tomorrow. Plus, it’s “sin to know what you ought to do and…not do it.” Success requires decision, discipline, and determination. Make the decision, discipline yourself until it becomes automatic, and stay determined until it becomes part of who you are.

Taken from the Word for you Today devotional

Friday, November 1, 2013



“They called the name of that place Baal Perazim.” 1 Ch 14:11 NKJV


The Bible says: “The Philistines…made a raid on the Valley Rephaim. And David inquired of God saying, ‘Shall I go up against the Philistines? Will You deliver them into my hand?’ The Lord said to him, ‘Go up, for I will deliver them into your hand.’ So they went up to Baal Perazim, and David defeated them there. Then David said, ‘God has broken through my enemies by my hand like a breakthrough of water.’ Therefore they called the name of that place Baal Perazim [which means “breaking through”] (vv. 9-11 NKJV). To get a breakthrough in your life you must do what David did: (1) He reminded himself that the Lord had made him king” (See 1Ch 14:2). You must remember Who called you, and Whose spirit lives within you. God called David, and He’s called you too. When you know that, you won’t let the enemy put you down or push you around. (2) He inquired of the Lord, “Shall I go up against the Philistines?” (1Ch 14:10 NKJV). Have you talked it over with the Lord? God doesn’t respond to your need, He responds to your obedience. When you’ve obeyed Him, you’ll win. (3) He gave God the credit: “God has broken through my enemies” (v. 11NKJV). Sometimes God will do it for you, other times He will do it through you. That’s why you must hear from Him before you make a move. You can’t do God’s part, and He won’t do yours. It’s not just a matter of “doing something,” it’s a matter of doing what God tells you! When you do, you’ll get a breakthrough.

Taken from the Word for you Today devotional