Sunday, February 16, 2014



My time is not yet here; for you any time will do. John 7:6

Waiting on God’s Timing for Jesus’ Mission

All sorts of things, important or not, are all about timing. Passing a restaurant billboard as your stomach growls. Catching her eyes across a crowded room. Being the seventh caller and winning the prize. Hearing a sermon just when you’re encountering that exact temptation. Seeing a shooting star. Running into a friend on a day you really needed some encouragement.
For Christ’s mission of redemption, God’s timing was crucial. One wonders what it was like for the eternal Son of God to experience the flow of time as a human being. However it felt, Jesus was committed to perfectly obeying the timing of His Fat her’s plan, as we see in today’s narrative. Knowing the right time to do the right thing was important for Him as well as for us (see Feb. 5).
Jesus’ brothers (born to Mary and Joseph after Jesus’ birth) advised Him to go to Judea for the Festival of Tabernacles in order to gain more public exposure (vv. 3–4). Whether they were recommending a marketing strategy or, as it turned out, insincerely mocking Him (v. 5), the brothers showed a complete lack of understanding. Doing miracles to gain attention and “promote a career” as a miracle-working rabbi was not at all what Jesus was about.
Instead, Jesus was all about obeying God and submitting to His plan. “My time is not yet here,” He told His brothers, “for you any time will do” (v. 6). He knew that His person and message spurred controversy among the people and hatred from the leaders, and the time to bring things to a head had not yet come (vv. 7–8). “My time” specifically referred to His coming death and resurrection. Later (see the rest of John 7), Jesus did go to Jerusalem in secret, and then began teaching publicly about halfway through the festival.

Taken from the Word for You Today Devotional

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