Monday, January 6, 2014



“There are diversities of gifts.” 1 Co 12:4 NKJV


Paul writes, “There are diversities of gifts, but the same spirit.” Successful people invest their time, energy and resources into their core strengths. Why? Because that is where they get their highest return! And when they occasionally depart from that approach, as Michael Jordan did when he quit basketball to play baseball, the result is mediocrity. Basketball was Jordan’s sweet spot—the thing that would always give him the biggest return—and most people agree that he was one of the best to ever play the game. However, as a baseball player, he lasted one year, never progressed higher than AA ball, batted .202, and finished with 11 fielding errors. That’s probably not what he would like to be remembered for God gave you gifts that make you unique, gifts that hold great possibilities. But you have to discover them and develop them. A sign on a hardware store says it all: “We’ve got it, if you can find it.” Nobody was ever born without a talent, including you, but you’ve got to find it.” Nobody was ever born without it, including you, but you’ve got to find it. What keeps us from doing that? (1) The company we keep. The old saying goes, “If you run around with turkeys, you’ll never fly with eagles.” The Scripture says, “He who walks with wise men, will be wise” (Pr 13:20 NKJV). (2) Failing to spend time in prayer and God’s word. God is not only the giver of your gift; He supplies the strength to function successfully in it. Aristotle said, “We are what we repeatedly do. Excellence then is not an act, but a habit.” So if you want to succeed consult God, and operate in your God given strength.

Taken from the Word for You Today Devotional

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