“Anxiety is a man’s heart weighs it
down.” Pr 12:25 NAS
Your stomach is in knots; you feel as if an elephant is sitting on your chest; you’ve got the jitters; your thoughts are running amok. Where can you find relief? Alcohol, drugs, relationships, work, money, sex, etc? If so, you’ve found relief that simply won’t work long-term. The Bible says, “Anxiety in a man’s heart weighs it down,” causing hopelessness and depression. What’s the answer? Satan is often times the source of anxiety and depression. When King Saul because self-willed, “The Spirit of the Lord…left Saul…the Lord had sent a tormenting spirit that filled him with depression and fear” (1 Sa 16:14 TLB). Our pride and disobedience also allow. Satan to invade our thoughts and emotions. But by humbling ourselves and aligning our will with God’s will, we invite Him to reverse Satan’s assault, overcoming our anxiety and depression. “Whoever humbles himself will be exalted (lifted up)” (Mt 23:12 NIV). You have authority over the Devil, but it only kicks in when you’re submitted to God. Here are the steps to victory found in James 4:7: (1)”Submit yourselves… to God.” This step aligns you with God’s Word and power, and gives you the right to exercise dominion over the Devil. (2) “Resist the devil.” This is military language. “Resist the devil” implies a courageous, forceful, persistent refusal to let him prevail against you.(3) “[The devil]…will flee from you,” forfeiting his hold on your life and his ability to pour on the anxiety and depression.
Taken from the Word for You Today
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