Monday, December 2, 2013



“Write the vision and make it plain.” Hab 2:2 NKJV


Dr. John Maxwell writes: “If you have a general idea of your dream, your temptation may be to start creating your strategy. Don’t do it yet…begin writing a detailed description of your dream. Let your imagination go wild. Write as many elements or pieces of it as you can. Don’t stop until you have more than you think you need. Now quantify everything you can. Make it measurable. Don’t worry about how you will get there yet. BE bold. Be audacious. Dream big! The next step is to state your dream succinctly in writing…don’t expect to be able to for the whole process in one sitting. For most people that’s not possible. Instead, give it time. You may want to get away to a retreat to start the process. If you can separate yourself from your usual surroundings or routine for a couple of days, you might be able to get most of the work done. Otherwise, take a day to dream, and then come back to the process for a few hours at a time in subsequent weeks. Don’t forget your goal: make your dream as clear and specific as possible. Then keep it in front of you so that you can see it every day.” A God-given dream will always look bigger than you. Jericho looked big to Joshua. Goliath looked big to David. But no dream is bigger than God! Don’t be impatient: “The vision is…for an appointed time…wait for it” (v. 3 NKJV). And don’t get discouraged by circumstances. “I had fainted, unless I had believed to see the goodness of the Lord in the land of the living” (Ps 27:13). Trust and you will see your dream fulfilled.

Taken from the Word for you Today devotional

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