Friday, January 16, 2015


“And let us consider one another to provoke unto love and good works” (Hebrews 10:2).  Recently, the word “provoke” was revealed through God’s Word as an incentive to rouse His people to good works.  We are to “provoke” others to seek God’s Presence and plans to fulfill His purpose for their destinies.  The scripture clarifies what we as believers are to provoke others to, that being love and good works.  All too often, provocation has a totally different connotation.  What does provoke really mean?  To provoke means exactly this: incitement to good, to dispute in anger; contention; provoke unto good; to cause to stir; to rouse; to awaken; to arouse to action, to open ones eyes.  Throughout scripture, we are reminded not to provoke God to anger, meaning that we are not to dispute His Word and therefore cause contention within the Body.  We instead are to speak the truth in love, provoking others to continue to develop and mature in the Kingdom.  As we grow in love for one another, we will then effectively be doing the good works that we as believers are called to accomplish.  In the Word of God, we see many examples of God’s people being provoked to manifest His Kingdom.  In Isaiah 50:4 the Lord “awakens” the prophet (our physical bodies) each morning and “awakens” his ear (our spirit-man) to hear God’s message.  We, too, should awaken each morning ready to hear and act upon the directions given us through His Word.  Isaiah 51:19 speaks of the arm of the Lord being “awakened” or “roused” to action.  We see this demonstrated in Haggai 1:12-14 as Haggai, the prophet, provoked Zerubbabel and the people to rebuild the Kingdom.  Haggai’s message stirred up cold hearts and ignited a fresh fire for doing His will.  The result was that the people began building again with renewed energy and purpose.  They had been provoked and roused to action, ready to restore, rebuild and renew.  That is God’s plan for us today as He effectively continues the good works He has called us to accomplish for His Kingdom, His glory and His honor.

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