Thursday, June 12, 2014



“You also, like living stones, are being built into a spiritual house.” 1 Pe 2:5 NIV


We don’t go to church, we are the church! If we met for worship in the parking lot, we’d still be the church! Consider Solomon’s temple. IT was planned by David, the father, built by Solomon the son, and at its dedication filled with the Holy Spirit. Here are three ways your church is just like Solomon’s temple: (1) It was built on redemption ground! Mount Moriah, the scene of Solomon’s temple, is where Abraham took his son Isaac and offered him as a sacrifice. Guess what? Two thousand years later, God led His only begotten Son up that same mountain to die for our sins. AS G.D. Boardman said, “The cross is the only ladder high enough to touch Heaven’s threshold.” (2_ It was the most unique building ever constructed. It was built from stones made ready before they were brought together. They were washed, then fashioned, then fitted together. And that’s our story too, isn’t it? “You also, like living stones, are being built into a spiritual house…offering spiritual sacrifices acceptable to God through Jesus Christ.” (3) The building materials came from many nations. We aren’t saved by race, but by grace. It’s not the blood that flows in your veins that saves you; it’s the blood that flowed from Christ veins that makes you righteous and accepted before God. Two unique phrases are used to describe Solomon’s temple: “exceeding magnifical” (1 Ch 22:5); “famous everywhere for its greatness and beauty” (v. 5 NCV). That’s how God feels about His church, and you should too!

Taken from the Word for You Today Devotional

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