Friday August 29, 2014
the Spirit renew your...attitudes.' Ephesians 4:23 NLT
Get Rid of the 'Clutter'
When you sell a house, it feels great to get rid of
stuff you've accumulated. You wonder why you lived so long with it weighing you
down. It's the same with mental and emotional clutter. Jon Gordon says, 'Why do
we fill our life with so many things that weigh us down? Thoughts that hold us
back. Habits that limit us. Distractions that derail us. Negative people [who]
drain us. Fear that paralyses us... time zappers that sabotage...productivity.
We spend so much time...on things that don't matter - we fail to focus on what
does matter. We fill up with so many things that generate negative energy,
there's no room for positive energy in our lives.' Paul writes, '...throw off
your...former way of life...let the Spirit renew your thoughts and attitudes.'
(Ephesians 4:22-23 NLT) The clutter you need to lose includes: believing you're
alone, trying to please everyone, feeling insecure, putting yourself down,
needing everyone to like you, jumping to negative conclusions before you know
the facts, thinking you're always right, recalling all the times you messed up,
wanting to know how it all turns out, needing to have all the answers, worrying
you'll lose the memories if you let go of the memorabilia, agonizing you're not
rich enough, good enough or clever enough, surrounding yourself with people who
recall the bad times and not the good, making energy-sucking comparisons,
observing life instead of participating, believing your best days are over,
constantly waiting for the right moment, fearing you'll look foolish, focusing
on negative type-casting...and anything else you don't want to pass on to your
children. How can you get rid of the clutter? '...let the Spirit renew
from the Word for you Today Devotional
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