Monday, August 25, 2014


Monday August 25, 2014

'In everything set them an example.' Titus 2:7 NIV

Others Are Watching You

Smoke rose over a neighborhood where 18 people died and 850 had been arrested in street riots. Jon Walker said: 'My dad, a special investigator for a government agency, sat with me watching the violence on TV. In a matter-of-fact manner, he said, "That's exactly where I'm scheduled to be today..." I said, "Why go?... Tell them you can't come...reschedule..." He looked at me and said, "Why wouldn't I go? It's my job."' Walker continues, 'It was an Aha moment for me... of course he'd go. He'd made a commitment... to be where he was supposed to be, regardless of circumstances. The same way he flew Cold War reconnaissance missions... the same way he took pictures showing Cuban missile sites being assembled... the same way he stood with me day in and day out throughout his life. In that moment I grasped the example. I understood the importance of remaining committed, regardless of the difficulty or how unreasonable it might seem... My dad spoke more by what he did than by what he said... his example became the story of God at work in a human life.' Question: What would happen if people followed your example instead of your advice when it comes to your work ethic, your online computer use, your integrity in business, and how you treat your family? Be honest! Paul challenges each of us to 'be an word... conduct... love... spirit... faith... purity.' (1 Timothy 4:12 NKJV) He told Titus, 'In everything set them an example by doing what is good... show integrity.' If you think that sounds like a tall order - you're right. But 'His divine power has given us everything we need for life and godliness.' (2 Peter 1:3 NIV)

Taken from the Word for you Today Devotional

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