Friday February 21
this world you will have trouble.” Jn 16:33 NIV
rated for trouble. Pastors and counselors constantly “pick
up the pieces” of the broken lives of those who thought trouble would never
come their way, so they didn’t prepare for it. Paul wrote, “We are troubled on
every side, yet not distressed” (2Co 4:8). Believers live in the same world as
nonbelievers, but they handle it differently. That’s because they have a
different source, a different strategy, and a different spirit. God’s promise is: “He shall call
upon me, and I will answer him: I will be with him in trouble; I will deliver
him, and honour him.” (Ps 91:15). Some people dwell only on troubles. Others
dwell only on deliverance. The secret of victory is in accepting that trouble
will come, but knowing you’re instrument rated to get through it because you’ve
taken the time and training required to handle it scripturally. People say, “If
only I’d known this was going to happen I’d have been ready for it.” It’s
foolish to go looking for trouble , but it’s even more foolish to not be
prepared for it. A wife hears her husband say, “I’m in love with someone else.”
A call comes from the police telling you that your son has been caught on a
drug bust. Your tearful teenage daughter tells you she’s pregnant. Get ready
for trouble, because trouble is getting ready for you! In such times the
instrument-rated believer turns to their unfailing source: God’s Word. “He
shall deliver thee in six troubles: yea, in seven there shall no evil touch
thee…In famine (recession) he shall(deliver) thee…At destruction…thou shalt
laugh” (Job 5:19-22).
This word is taken from Daily Devotional: The Word for you Today.
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