attitude should be the same as that of Christ Jesus.” Php 2:5 NIV
Max Lucado writes: “What would your life be like,
even for one day, if you were to think and act like Jesus? Of His priorities governed
your actions, His passions drove your decisions, and His love directed your behaviors?
What would you be like? Would people notice the change in you? Would your
family see something new? Would your co-workers sense a difference? What about
the less fortunate; would you treat them like you normally do? How about your
friends; would they detect more joy? How about your enemies; would they receive
more grace and mercy? And how would it affect you personally? Your mood swings?
Your temper? Would you sleep better? Would you view death differently? Taxes
differently? Any cnahce you’d need few aspirins and sedatives? How about your
reaction to traffic delays? Or when the deal falls through, or people don’t do
what you want them to? Would you still dread what you are dreading? Better yet,
would you still do what you are doing? Pause and think about your schedule,
obligations, engagements, outings, and appointments. With Jesus fully in
control, would these change? Keep working on this for a moment. Adjust the lens
of your imagination until you have a clear picture of Jesus leading your life,
then snap the shutter and frame the image. What you see is what God wants! ‘Your
attitude should be the same as that of Christ Jesus.’ If you committed to
living this way for a lifetime, or a year, or even a month, you would be a
transformed person. So just try it for one day—today!”
from The Word for You Today Devotional
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