Thursday, August 15, 2013



“He rewards those who earnestly seek him.”                            Heb 11:6 NIV


Ever notice how icy winters cause multiple car pile-ups, leaving drivers in ditches waiting for tow trucks to rescue them? In life, we each have different reactions. Some surrender to feelings of being powerless, others get frustrated and deepen the rut they’re in. But the wise think rationally of steps they can take to get unstuck. Getting stuck isn’t always an option, but staying stuck is! Good news: no matter how long you’ve been stuck, the right attitude can get you moving again. So here are some attitude changers: (1) Forgiveness.The guilt that follows failure can immobilize you long-term, but forgiveness liberates you—freeing up your energy and creativity. Forgiveness is two-dimensional: first, you must receive God’s forgiveness for your failures. Things you’ve done: betrayal, angry words, dishonesty, broken promises, etc. Things you haven’t done: love unexpressed, responsibility avoided, a child, parent or spouse neglected, the truth withheld. Heartfelt confession always brings God’s forgiveness! (See 1Jn 1:9). Second, you must forgive those who’ve failed you—parents, siblings, children, bosses, spouses, friends, enemies, etc. Severing the chains to your past restores your options for the future. (2) Faith. When you’ve been stuck a long time, forward momentum can seem impossible. You lack direction, energy and confidence. What to do? Getting traction requires a willingness to act in spite of your feelings. God calls this "faith,” and He always responds to it! "He rewards those who earnestly seek him.” When you act like you believe, God will reward your faith—and the feeling of faith will follow your action!

Taken from the Word for You Today devotional

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