themselves with themselves.” 2 Co 10:12 NIV
One definition of success is: “Gaining wealth and
fame.” But how much wealth do you need to be successful? How much fame?” Should
you pick an arbitrary target? Should you compare yourself to others? What if
you have decided to devote yourself to raising children of character, or serving
your church or your community? Does that mean you are less successful? No.
Success is doing the best you can, with what you have, wherever you are in
life. The Bible warns, “When they measure themselves by themselves and compare
themselves with themselves, they are not wise.” When you play the comparison
game you are like the two cows that saw the milk truck go by with a sign, “Pasteurized,
homogenized, Vitamin A added.” One cow said to the other, “Makes you feel sort
of inadequate doesn’t it?” God will help you be all that you can be, but He
will never help you be someone else. When you focus your attention on who you aren’t by comparing yourself with
someone else, you lose sight of who you need to become. Ever heard of the eighteen/forty/sixty rule? When you’re
eighteen, you worry about what everybody’s thinking about you. When you’re
sixty, it dawns on you that most of them weren’t thinking about you at all!
Paul’s life changed dramatically with one question: “Lord, what do You want me
to do?” (Ac 9:6 NKJV). Only when you ask that
question, will you discover who you are
and what God’s called you to be.
from the Word for you Today devotional